CES - 20/06/2007


CES - 20/06/2007


UGT em manifestação pela defesa da Carta dos Direitos Fundamentais

Uma delegação da UGT, encabeçada pelo Secretário-Geral, João Proença, participou na manifestação europeia de dia 20 de Junho, em Bruxelas, convocada pela Confederação Europeia de Sindicatos (CES), na defesa da Carta dos Direitos Fundamentais, no âmbito das negociações para o Novo Tratado da Constituição Europeia.

Em vésperas da Cimeira Europeia que terá lugar nos dias 21 e 22 de Junho de 2007, a CES irá, passar à ofensiva, advertindo que, no caso de relegação da Carta, bater-se-á contra qualquer novo Tratado.


Consulte aqui a declaração de urgência adoptada pelo Congresso da CES a 24 de Maio de 2007, assim como algumas informações úteis relativamente à manifestação.

Bruxelas, 20 de Junho de 2007


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Trade union assembly for the Charter of Fundamental Rights - Brussels, 20 June 2007


 Seville Resolution

On the offensive with the ETUC to defend fundamental rights, Social Europe, and more and better jobs


In the current negotiations to devise a new Constitutional Treaty, there are already indications that the Charter of Fundamental Rights (including the right to organise and to strike) will be ignored and not made binding on Member States. The ETUC has campaigned for the incorporation of the Charter in EU treaties for many years (including holding demonstrations in Nice and Laeken, Brussels). We were successful in the Convention which drew up the present draft Constitutional Treaty. That success is now at risk.

On the eve of the European summit taking place on 21-22 June 2007, the ETUC is therefore going on the offensive and warns that if the outcome is the relegation of the Charter, the ETUC will campaign against any new treaty (an emergency statement adopted by the ETUC Congress on May 24 is attached).

Practical information

The trade union assembly (about 4,000 people) will start at 11h30 near Rond-point Schuman (Petit Rue de la Loi) and should finish around 13h00.

This symbolic action will involve a number of trade union delegations (from Belgium, Germany, France, Italy, Netherlands, Luxembourg, etc).

A meeting between trade union leaders, led by ETUC General Secretary John Monks, and José Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission, will take place at 11h30 (subject to the availability of the President).

John Monks will make a speech at around 12h00-12h15, followed by some of the other general secretaries present.

Interviews will be possible around the podium.